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This story is heart breaking but so wonderful
PUSSCAT was a park cat....BOB and BRENDA knew PUSSCAT since she was 1 year old and came every year for 10 years to see her paying so much money as BOB was wheel chair bounded making the insurance high.....i looked after PUSSCAT 365 days a year but no adoption for her came forward....i carried on meeting BOB and BRENDA but the last trip they made to spain they decided they couldn't return again due to BOBS bad health issues...........
So i told them that PUSSCAT could travel to the UK....and there is no quarantine like the old days.....they couldnt believe how so easy the process was to adopt a cat from spain..........
PUSSCAT left spains streets 4 years ago at 11 years old....its sad she had waited so long for a home.....for such a smashing cat....i receive emails from the UK....PUSSCAT loves the neutered feral ginger they care for..and PUSSCAT is coming up to the grand age of 15.........god bless...a miracle.x


ROBIN is the tigered tabby boy and BLANQUI is the black and white girl!!

They were both dumped at different times on 2011 and I neutered them and released them as i had no space for more cats but i never gave up on them....

When I had space I collected both for blood testing and started preparing them with there vaccines.....they came home to me.....months and months passed by until one day they were reserved outside of Spain........I flew them to there new homes......there forever homes finally arrived!!!

Lovely lovely endings for these magnificent sweethearts!!!


ADOPTED off spains streets.x

Isco and Asti

Isco and Asti came to the UK in January 2018 after Kelly rescued them.
As always these beautiful cats came with passports, neutered and micro chipped.  
These amazing friendly and loving cats joined a cat mad family where they have settled in with the rest of the cat clan in Essex.


A miracle cat......operated on 3x for rectal prolapse one of the highest vet bills i have ever had and dispite the comments saying it would be best to put her to sleep and save the money for a cat worth while...i listen to my heart and saw in TULIPANS eyes she had the will to live and recuperate......

TULIPAN blossomed onto a miracle loving wonderful cat and i flew her all the way to germany where she now has settled and happpy in her VIP the streets in spain and now living the dream........

i never forget this time and our struggle.....this was one journey!!


chucked over a tree with her family...all were entwined in the tree and all died apart from FLAMENCA...who took me a hour to release but had already lost her back foot at one day old............her cries for help saved her life.........and thanks to me and benalvet she survived and eventually was re-homed in the UK to VICKI BROWN......this is a miracle story.....


I rescued the two from the streets.....badly nourished and ill......they came to my flat to recover and after months and months......i neutered and tested them...fully chipped and pass ported them..........they got adopted separate out side of spain but happy and loved......god bless these two.x


Dumped in one of my colonys un neutered,THIN and so loving....i rescued him....blood tested him and he came out double negative...he had all the luck on the world as he was adopted to a lovely family in you BAILEY.....HAPPY LIFE  GUAPO!!!!!!X


he must of been dumped ages before hes rescue to get into a terrible state that i found him in....he is 11 years old and a neutered house cat left for dead......

due to hes terrible mouth problems he was in hes bones and cried constantly for help......i rescued him and was hospitilized 3 weeks...blood scans.....xrays.....he tested posative in cat aids but apart from this he had hes mouth rotten so all hes teeth were removed and hes results for hes liver and kidneys werent good...liver and kidney failure...BUT....he had the will to live once rescue.....hes life flipped over and started smiling and feeling good.......


posative in cat aids.....he needed to be a only cat plus needed medication each day........

thanks you to angel CARLY O BRIAN...she initially fostered him but he is now her boy......SILVESTER is doing well and i buy hes liver and kidney treatments as part of the deal and royal canin hepatic dried food....hes bill was 800e....but worth all the hard less suffering on spains streets!!!!x

Princess Evita


everybody was feeding her but no one was helping many people telling me of EVITA...

Yes i rescued her where she was hospitilized....bad ear and eye infection...fulls of fleas and worms........

I neutered and blood tested her....double negative...dewormed and deflead her and she came back to my flat to recover.......

She had so much luck as DOLORES BROWN in the UK snapped her up......such a special loving furrys princess EVITA!!!!

King Ken

just a street cat with 6 months.....running across roads looking for attention and love!!

i rescued him..neutered blood tested him andhe came home to my little flat to recover,,,,to gain weight and recuperate..........months past until a angel in germany saw him and fell in love with him............we both flew to germany......and now KEN lives a happy life off of spain streets!!

love you KEN....YOU WAS A SWEETHEART....i have you in my heart.......xxxx

Cheeky Charlie

I got a call about a poor kitten in bar POTTERS LODGE....terrible cold and rain in spain around christmas 2016....the little boy i got into a cat box....he had a bad back leg and wasnt feral at all!!

he under went xrays and nothin broken but had been given a kick on he back leg causing inflamation........he recuperated with me....and flew to hes for ever home outside of spain.........


Earl Blue

ABANDONED in one of my colonys of neutered street cats here in spain!!

he was 7 months....i caught him and neutered and blood tested him and came out negative for FLV and FLeV...dewormed and deflead...he had food intolerance and was on special food....treatments and recuperated with me and then somebody wanted to give im a VIP home in germany!!!

i flew EARL BLUE along side another rescue who both were intoxicated in the cargo with AIR BERLIN and never took the blame.........both healthy vet checked cats that where burned inside and outside by toxic cleaning fluid from leaks from the toilets as not allocated there animal space on this busy august flight malaga to DUSSELDORF!!!!


there vet bills to fight for there lifes was over 2000e and never justice was done!!!

Both cats miraculously survived there ordeal..months and months and after there recuperation they went to wonderful homes where they are loved to death!!!

King Stealy

KING STEALY was also intoxicated on flight to malaga to dusseldorf

he was burnt inside hes body and mouth ........a terrible suffering......


now rehomed after i rescued him from spains streets after being kicked in the head with a terrible hole and absess in her face......after hes recuperation with me  he was on hes trip to germany where hes was intoxicated on the flight where he spent months of recovery in germany costing so much money....he survived and finally homed!!!


such a wonderful cat......such a terrible suffering......god bless him.x

Sir Bailey

I saw him so thin and dirty....he let me touch him....BAILEY arrived in one of my colonys of feral cats...whether he was a dumped house cat that crossed my path!!!

after days seeing him around i rescued him....i took him to the vets for neutering and blood testing...chip and passport and he recovered and gained weight...the fleas a ticks were treated and so was hes ear infections...


he turned from a battered dirty flea ridden cat into a true king and after hes recuperation and vaccines he finally got snapped up outside of spain to a VIP home with two other cats....they love him and is now fluent in german!!!


love this chap......LOVE YOU SIR BAILEY.x

Teddy & Joanna

THESE TWO LOVLEYS were adandoned at different times but were rehomed together!!!

TEDDY and JOANNA were dumped in one of my colonys of feral cats ...both un neutered......i look them to the vets for testing neutering and deworming and defleaing...i started there vaccines too and these two bonded and travlled outside of spain to a wonderful home......


they are wonderful cats...teddy a boy and joanna a girly.....such a wonderful couple!!!!x


god bless my sweathearts.xxxxxx

King Henry


i rescued HENRY and started the process of neutering blood testing and chip...passport etc and he came home to my little flat where he had the VIP treatment for many months until he had the bestest luck in the world....he got reserved outside of spain to a lovely family and with another cat for company..a black panther!!!!


thank you KING HENRY for letting me rescue you and loving you....thankyou for being so gentle and special......thank you for crossing my more wandering the streets in spain!!!


love did take some of my heart with you.x

Kouros & Chanel

HOT OFF THE PRESS....FOTOS OF KOUROS AND CHANEL in there new home in cologne....god bless them...thankyou for this special family!!
KOUROS and CHANEL were dumped one evening of my neutered colony's with 3 months of life...they now have hit the jackpot over and over again!!! These loving beautiful tuxedo cats 

Benalmádena, Málaga, Spain

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